SIP-80: Synthetic Futures



Anton Jurisevic(@zyzek)

Simple Summary

This SIP proposes the creation of pooled synthetic futures contracts, with the SNX debt pool acting as counterparty to each trade.


With the Synthetix debt pool as counterparty, users can trade synthetic futures to gain exposure to a range of assets without holding the asset. PnL and liquidation calculations are simplified by denominating the margin for each position in sUSD, which can be minted and burnt as required. Therefore using Synthetix, users will not be exposed to volatility in the value of their margin, and they will always be liquidated when their margin is completely exhausted, with no requirement for deleveraging mechanisms. For similar reasons, no separate insurance fund is necessary under this design.

However, as the counterparty to all orders, the SNX debt pool takes on the risk of any skew in the market. If the size of all long and short positions is balanced, then a fall in one is compensated by a rise in the other; but if the system is imbalanced, then new sUSD can be minted at the expense of the debt pool. To combat this, a perpetual-style funding rate is paid from the heavier to the lighter side of the market, encouraging a neutral balance.


The current design of Synths does not easily provide traders with a mechanism for leveraged trading or for shorting assets with leverage. Synthetic futures will enable a much expanded and capitcal efficient trading experience by enabling both leveraged long price exposure and short exposure.



There are a number of high level components required for the implementation of synthetic perpetual futures on Synthetix, they are outlined below:

Each of these components will be detailed below in the technical specification. Together they enable the system to offer leveraged trading, while charging a funding rate to reduce market skew and tracking the impact to the debt pool of each futures market.


Given the complexity of the design of synthetic futures, the rationale and trade-offs are addressed in each component in the technical specification below.

Technical Specification

Market and Position Parameters

A position, opened on a specific market, may be either long or short. If it's long, then it gains value as the underlying asset appreciates. If it's short, it gains value as the underlying asset depreciates. As all positions are opened against the pooled counterparty, the price of this exchange is determined by the spot rate read from an on-chain oracle.

A position is defined by several basic parameters, noting that a particular account will not be able to open more than one position at a time: instead it must modify its existing one.

We will use a superscript to indicate that a value is associated with a particular position. For example qc corresponds to the size of position c. If the superscript is omitted, the symbol is understood to refer to an arbitrary position.

Symbol Description Definition Notes
q Position size q := me λepe Measured in units of the base asset. Long positions have q>0, while short positions have q<0. for example a short position worth 10 BTC will have q=10. See the margin section for a definition of terms used in the definition.
p Base asset spot price - We also define pec, the spot price when position c was entered.
v Notional value v := q p This is the (signed) dollar value of the base currency units on a position. Long positions will have positive notional, shorts will have negative notional. In addition to the spot notional value, we also define the entry notional value ve:=q pe=me λe.
r Profit / loss r := vve The profit in a position is the change in its notional value since entry. Note that due to the sign of the notional value, if price increases long profit rises, while short profit decreases.

Each market, implemented by a specific smart contract, is differentiated primarily by its base asset and the positions open on that market. Additional parameters control the leverage offered on a particular market.

Symbol Description Definition Notes
C The set of all positions on the market - We also have the positions on the long and short sides, CL and CS, with C=CLCS.
b Base asset - For example, BTC, ETH, and so on. The price p defined above refers to this asset.
Q Market Size Q :=cC|qc|=QL+QS QL := cCL|qc| QS := cCS|qc| The total size of all outstanding positions (on a given side of the market).
Vmax Open interest cap - Orders cannot be opened that would cause the notional value of either side of the market to exceed this limit. We constrain both: p QLVmax p QSVmax The cap will initially be $10,000,000 on each side of the market.
K Market skew K := cCqc = QLQS The excess base units on one side or the other. When the skew is positive, longs outweigh shorts; when it is negative, shorts outweigh longs. When K=0, the market is perfectly balanced.
λmax Maximum Initial leverage - The absolute notional value of a position must not exceed its initial margin multiplied by the maximum leverage. Initially this will be no greater than 10.
skewScale Skew scaling denominator constant - A constant value used to compute the proportional skew.

Leverage and Margins

When a position is opened, the account-holder chooses their initial leverage rate and margin, from which the position size is computed. As profit is computed against the notional value of a position, higher leverage increases the position's liquidation risk.

Symbol Description Definition Notes
λ Leverage λ := vm The sign of λ reflects the side of the position: longs have positive λ, while shorts have negative λ. We also define \(\lambdae := \frac{v_e}{m_e}\), the selected leverage when the position was entered. We constrain the entry leverage thus: \[|\lambda_e| \leq \lambda{max}\] Note that the leverage in a position at a given time may exceed this value as its margin is exhausted.
me Initial margin me :=veλe = q peλe This is the quantity of sUSD the user initially spends to open a position of q units of the base currency. The remaining |ve|me sUSD to pay for the rest of the position is "borrowed" from SNX holders, and it must be paid back when the position is closed.
m Remaining margin m := max(me+r+f,0) A position's remaining margin is its initial margin, plus its profit r and funding f (described below). When the remaining margin reaches zero, the position is liquidated, so that it can never take a negative value.

It is important to note that the granularity and frequency of oracle price updates constrains the maximum leverage that it's feasible to offer. If the oracle updates the price whenever it moves 1% or more, then any positions leveraged at 100x or more will immediately be liquidated by any update.

When a position is closed, the funds in its margin are settled. After profit and funding are computed, the remaining margin of m sUSD will be minted into the account that created the position, while any losses out of the initial margin (max(mem,0)), will be minted into the fee pool.

Exchange Fees

Users pay a fee whenever they open or increase a position. However, we wish to incentivise reduction of skew, so we distinguish between maker and taker fees. A maker is someone reducing skew and a taker is someone increasing it, and so we charge makers less than takers, possibly even zero insofar as this is possible in the presence of front-running. This fee will be charged out of the user's remaining margin. If the user has insufficient margin remaining to cover the fee, then the transaction should revert unless they deposit more margin or make some profit. As the fee diminishes a user's margin, and is charged after order confirmation, they should be aware that it will slightly increase their effective leverage.

The fees will be denoted by the symbol ϕ as follows:

Symbol Description Definition Notes
ϕt Taker fee rate - Charged against the notional value of orders increasing the skew. Initially, ϕt=0.3.
ϕm Maker fee rate - Charged against the notional value of orders reducing the skew. Initially, ϕm=0.1.

We will generally maintain ϕmϕt.

Skew Funding Rate

Whenever the market is imbalanced in the sense that there is more open interest on one side, SNX holders take on market risk. At a given skew level, SNX holders take on exposure equal to K (p2p1) as the price moves from p1 to p2.

Therefore a funding rate is levied, which is designed to incentivise balance in the open interest on each side of the market. Positions on the heavier side of the market will be charged funding, while positions on the lighter side will receive funding. Funding will be computed as a percentage charged over time against each position’s notional value, and paid into or out of its margin. Hence funding affects each position's liquidation point.

Symbol Description Definition Notes
W Proportional skew W := KskewScale The skew normalized by the skew scaling constant.
Wmax Max funding skew threshold - The proportional skew at which the maximum funding rate will be charged (when i=imax). Initially, Wmax=100
imax Maximum funding rate - A percentage per day. Initially imax=10.
i Instantaneous funding rate i := clamp(WWmax,1,1) imax A percentage per day.

The funding rate can be negative, and has the opposite sign to the skew, as funding flows against capital in the market. When i is positive, shorts pay longs, while when it is negative, longs pay shorts. When K=i=0, no funding is paid, as the market is balanced.

Being computed against a position's notional value, it is worth being aware that funding becomes more powerful relative to the margin as the base asset appreciates, and less powerful as it depreciates.

As the SNX debt pool is the counterparty to every position, it is either the payer or payee of funding on every position, but it is always receiving more than it is paying. SNX holders receive i K in funding: this is a positive value which will be paid into the fee pool. This is because the debt pool is always implicitly balancing the skew by being the counterparty.

This funding flow increases directly as the skew increases, and also as the funding rate increases, which itself increases linearly with the skew (up to Wmax). As the debt pool is party to K in open positions, its percentage return from funding is iKscewScaleW2, so it grows with the square of the proportional skew. This provides accelerating compensation as the risk increases.

Accrued Funding Calculation

Funding accrues continuously, so any time the skew or base asset price changes, so too does the funding flow for all open positions. This may occur many times between the open and close of each position. The expense of constantly updating all open positions is prohibitive, so instead any time the skew changes, the total accrued funding per base currency unit will be recorded, and the individual funding flow for each position computed from this.

The base asset price in fact changes in between these events, but funding calculations will use the spot rates whenever skew modification occur. If the market is active, any inaccuracy in funding induced as a result is minor.

If the funding flow per base unit at time t is f(t)=it pt, then the cumulative funding over the interval [ti,tj] is:

titjf(t) dt=F(tj)F(ti)

If the funding rate and price (hence the funding flow) over an interval is constant, then we also have:

F(tk+1)F(tk) = itk ptk (tk+1tk)

If the skew was updated at a finite sequence of times {t0tn}, we only need to recompute funding at each of these times and so we have n such constant funding-flow intervals. All order-modifying operations alter the funding rate, and so occur exactly at the boundaries of these periods.

Consider the cumulative funding from the initial time t0 up to the current time tn, this expands as a telescoping sum, noting that F(t0)=0:

F(tn) = F(tn)F(t0) = k=0n1F(tk+1)F(tk) = k=0n1itk ptk (tk+1tk)


F(tj)F(ti) = k=ij1itk ptk (tk+1tk)

So, if the accumulated funding per base unit is tracked in a time series, appended to any time the funding flow changes, it is possible to compute in constant time the net funding flow owed to a position per base unit over its entire lifetime.

In the implementation, it is unnecessary to track the time at which each datum of the cumulative funding flow was recorded. For convenience, we will reuse F for the sequence, to be accessed by index, rather than as a function of time.

Funding will be settled whenever a position is closed or modified.

Symbol Description Definition Notes
tlast Skew last modified - The timestamp of the last skew-modifying event in seconds.
F Cumulative funding sequence F0 := 0 Fi denotes the i'th entry in the sequence of cumulative funding per base unit. Fn will be taken to be the latest entry.
u Unrecorded base funding u := i (nowtlast) The funding (denominated in the base currency) per base unit accrued since the last funding entry was recorded at tlast.
Fnow Unrecorded cumulative funding Fnow :=Fn+p u The funding per base unit accumulated up to the current time, including since tlast.
j Last-modified index j0 at initialisation. The index into F corresponding to the event that a position was opened or modified.
f Accrued position funding fc := {0 if opening c  qc (FnowFjc) otherwise The sUSD owed as funding by a position at the current time. It is straightforward to query the accrued funding at any previous time in a similar manner.

Then any time a position c is modified, first compute the current funding rate by updating market size and skew, where q is the position's updated size after modification:

Q  Q+|q||q| K  K+qq

Then update the accumulated funding sequence:

Fn+1  Fnow

Then settle funding and perform the position update, including:

tlast  now jc  {0 if closing c  n+1 otherwise

Aggregate Debt Calculation

Each open position contributes to the overall system debt of Synthetix. When a position is opened, it accounts for a debt quantity exactly equal to the value of its initial margin. That same value of sUSD is burnt upon the creation of the position. As the price of the base asset moves, however, the position’s remaining margin changes, and so too does its debt contribution. In order to efficiently aggregate all these, each market keeps track of its overall debt contribution, which is updated whenever positions are opened or closed.

The overall market debt is the sum of the remaining margin in all positions. The possibility of negative remaining margin will also be neglected in the following computations, as such contributions can exist only transiently while positions are awaiting liquidation. So long as insolvent positions are liquidated within the 24-hour time lock specified in SIP 40, the risk of a front-minting attack is minimal. This will simplify calculations, and for the purposes of aggregated debt, the remaining margin will be taken to be m=me+r+f.

The total debt is computed as follows:

D := cCmc   = K (p+Fnow)+cCmecvecq Fjc

Apart from the spot price p, nothing in this expression changes except when positions are modified, Therefore we can keep track of everything with one additional variable to be updated on position modification: Δe, holding the sum on the right hand side. Then upon modification of a position, this value is updated as follows:

Δe  Δe+δeδe

Where δe:=meqe(pe+Fj) and δe is its recomputed value after the position is modified.

Symbol Description Definition Notes
Δe Aggregate position entry debt correction Δe := cCmecvecqec Fjc -
D Market Debt D := max(K (p+Fnow)+Δe,0) -

In this way the aggregate debt is efficiently computable at any time.

Liquidations and Keepers

Once a position's remaining margin is exhausted, it must be closed in a timely fashion, so that its contribution to the market skew and to the overall debt pool is accounted for as rapidly as possible, necessary for accuracy in funding rate and minting computations.

As price updates cannot directly trigger the liquidation of insolvent positions, it is necessary for keepers to perform this work by executing a public liquidation function. However, as opposed to the usual liquidations pattern, no capital is required for the liquidator - only submitting the transaction specifying the account to be liquidated.

In order to incentivise the keepers, the liquidation penalty proportional to the position size of the account will be paid to the keeper. The panatly will have a minimal size to ensure that transaction costs are covered and small accounts liquidation is also profitable (to prevent small accounts bloat). The initial setting for the penalty / incentive will be 35 basis points (of position size).

Additionally because a price update might cause an account to have a negative marin after accounting for the liquidation incentive, an additional proportional margin buffer will be used when calculating the liquidation threshold margin and price. The buffer will be set such that on average the remaining margin on liquidation after deducting the penalty is close to 0, but positive. This is to prevent the debt pool from leaking value in these cases. The initial setting for the buffer will be 25 basis points (of notional position size).

The liquidation margin will be computed by summing both the liquidation incentive payable to a keeper, and the buffer (payable to the fee pool if positive).

A position may be liquidated whenever a price is received that causes: mliqMargin If this is satisfied, the position is closed, the incentive is minted into the liquidating keeper's wallet at the execution time, and the rest of the position's remaining margin goes into the fee pool if it's positive.

Symbol Description Definition Notes
liqMargin Liquidation margin max(qprFee,D)+qprBuffer Liquidation margin below which a position will be liquidatable.
rBuffer Liquidation buffer ratio - Ratio of notional position size that will be used as buffer to reduce chance of negative margin on large price updates. .
rFee Liquidation fee ratio - Ratio of notional position size that will be paid to incentive liquidation keepers.
D Minimal keeper incentive - This is the minimal fee that is used to incentivise keeper duties. Initially this will be set to D=20 sUSD.
pliqApprox Approxime liquidation price pemeliqMarginq(FnFj) Approximate liquidation price as estimated using liquidation margin calculated for current price. Will be above actual liquidation price for longs, and below for shorts.

An approximate liquidation price will be calculated for UI purposes, however, this indicated liquidation price (when position is not yet liquidatable) is an estimate calculated using the price and accrued funding known at the time. Due to using proportional liquidation incentive and buffer it will be conservative in most cases (e.g. higher than actual liquidation price for longs, lower for shorts). The estimate becomes more and more accurate as the conditions approach the actual liquidation conditions (price and funding). An exact liquidation check will be available uding a canLiquidate() view, and will be checked during the liquidation transaction.

Dynamic fees integration

In addition to the constant exchange fees, a volatility dependant "dynamic fee" (SIP-184) is used. This is done in order to prevent value leakage due to oracle-delay ("soft front-running") trades. Refer to SIP-184 for the full explanation of the mechanism.

In short, exchange fees are increased immediately following price updates that are over a certain percentage threshold change. For the vast majority of time, the thresholding results in this fee being exactly 0, and in volatile periods it grows proportionally to the recent volatility.

The dynamic fee in this context is applied in the following ways:

  • Added to all position modifying actions by an account: modify position, close position, next price orders (see next section).
  • No impact on margin modifying actions and liquidations.
  • When dynamic fee is too high and tooVolatile is returned: modifying positions revert, margin actions and liquidations do not revert.

Next-price orders and fees

In order to allow funding rate arbitrage to be profitable even for low funding rates and skews, the exchange fees for arbitrageurs must be as low as possible. This should reduce the skew, which reduces risk for protocol and reduces funding rate for by traders. A special exchange fee rate will be applied to a specific mechanism of non non-atomic trades that will use the future (next price) update coming from the oracle. Due to using future, unknown price to initiate the trade, this mechanism should be less volunerable to "soft front-running" (because two prices ahead, instead of one, need to be known to profitably front-run it).

The mechanism has 3 methods:

  • submitNextPriceOrder(int size): stores an order to be executed at next-price update. Only one order can be stored for account at a time. A certain amount of fees are deducted from account on submission: commitment fee, and keeper fee. The commitment fee is refundable if order will be executed successfully, the keeper fee will be refunded if execution will be done from the account itself and otherwise paid to the keeper executing it as incentive. The commitment fee is a proportional fee and is equal to the exchange fee that would be charged for a regular order. The keeper fee is equal to the minimum keeper fee (D ~ 20 sUSD initially). The purpose of the commitment fee is to make cancellation cost as much as a regular trade to prevent free optionality (which would mean that the decision to trade is taken when next-price is known, which reduces the mechanism to immediate one)
  • cancelNextPriceOrder(address account): a stored order can be cancelled by the account itself at any time. It can also be cancelled by any other account (e.g. keeper) after the confirmation window (the window during which the order can be executed). If an order is cancelled, the keeper fee is paid to whoever submitted the cancellation transaction, and the commitment fee is paid to the fee pool.
  • executeNextPriceOrder(address account): the order can be executed by anyone during the confirmation window (initially 2 oracle price rounds). If the order executes successfully, the commitment fee is refunded to the account. The keeper fee is paid to whoever submitted the transaction (so if it's the account itself - it's refunded). If the confirmation window is over, or if the order cannot be executed (reverts), the order should be cancelled instead.

As the purpose of this mechanism is to allow lower exchange fees (taker and maker) for such orders, the fees will be set to: taker - 5 basis points, and maker - 0.

Any dynamic fee will still be added according to the dynamic fee conditions during the execution round (to prevent circumventing the dynamic fee mechanism).

This mechanism is not planned for initial use by regular users due to the fact that it requires timing a second transaction (or running dedicated keepers), but it is reasonable to expect a dedicated UI if the cheaper exchange fees justify it.


  • Make funding rate sensitive to leverage - right now a market with 100×10 long and 500×2 open interest is considered balanced, even though the long exposure is much riskier. Some remedies could include:
    • Funding rate that accounts for leverage risk
    • Funding rate as automatic position size scaling, which would automatically bring the market into balance.

Smart Contract Interface

interface IFuturesMarket {

    /* ========== MUTATIVE ========== */

    /* ---------- Market Operations ---------- */

    function transferMargin(int marginDelta) external;

    function withdrawAllMargin() external;

    function modifyPosition(int sizeDelta) external;

    function modifyPositionWithTracking(int sizeDelta, bytes32 trackingCode) external;

    function submitNextPriceOrder(int sizeDelta) external;

    function submitNextPriceOrderWithTracking(int sizeDelta, bytes32 trackingCode) external;

    function cancelNextPriceOrder(address account) external;

    function executeNextPriceOrder(address account) external;

    function closePosition() external;

    function closePositionWithTracking(bytes32 trackingCode) external;

    function liquidatePosition(address account) external;

    /* ========== Views ========== */

    /* ---------- Market Details ---------- */

    function marketKey() external view returns (bytes32 key);

    function baseAsset() external view returns (bytes32 key);

    function marketSize() external view returns (uint128 size);

    function marketSkew() external view returns (int128 skew);

    function fundingLastRecomputed() external view returns (uint32 timestamp);

    function fundingSequence(uint index) external view returns (int128 netFunding);

    function positions(address account)
        returns (
            uint64 id,
            uint64 fundingIndex,
            uint128 margin,
            uint128 lastPrice,
            int128 size

    function assetPrice() external view returns (uint price, bool invalid);

    function marketSizes() external view returns (uint long, uint short);

    function marketDebt() external view returns (uint debt, bool isInvalid);

    function currentFundingRate() external view returns (int fundingRate);

    function unrecordedFunding() external view returns (int funding, bool invalid);

    function fundingSequenceLength() external view returns (uint length);

    /* ---------- Position Details ---------- */

    function notionalValue(address account) external view returns (int value, bool invalid);

    function profitLoss(address account) external view returns (int pnl, bool invalid);

    function accruedFunding(address account) external view returns (int funding, bool invalid);

    function remainingMargin(address account) external view returns (uint marginRemaining, bool invalid);

    function accessibleMargin(address account) external view returns (uint marginAccessible, bool invalid);

    function liquidationPrice(address account) external view returns (uint price, bool invalid);

    function liquidationFee(address account) external view returns (uint);

    function canLiquidate(address account) external view returns (bool);

    function orderFee(int sizeDelta) external view returns (uint fee, bool invalid);

    function postTradeDetails(int sizeDelta, address sender)
        returns (
            uint margin,
            int size,
            uint price,
            uint liqPrice,
            uint fee,
            IFuturesMarketBaseTypes.Status status

interface IFuturesMarketManager {
    function markets(uint index, uint pageSize) external view returns (address[] memory);

    function numMarkets() external view returns (uint);

    function allMarkets() external view returns (address[] memory);

    function marketForKey(bytes32 marketKey) external view returns (address);

    function marketsForKeys(bytes32[] calldata marketKeys) external view returns (address[] memory);

    function totalDebt() external view returns (uint debt, bool isInvalid);

interface IFuturesMarketSettings {

    function takerFee(bytes32 _baseAsset) external view returns (uint);

    function makerFee(bytes32 _baseAsset) external view returns (uint);

    function takerFeeNextPrice(bytes32 _baseAsset) external view returns (uint);

    function makerFeeNextPrice(bytes32 _baseAsset) external view returns (uint);

    function nextPriceConfirmWindow(bytes32 _baseAsset) external view returns (uint);

    function maxLeverage(bytes32 _baseAsset) external view returns (uint);

    function maxMarketValueUSD(bytes32 _baseAsset) external view returns (uint);

    function maxFundingRate(bytes32 _baseAsset) external view returns (uint);

    function skewScaleUSD(bytes32 _baseAsset) external view returns (uint);

    function parameters(bytes32 _baseAsset)
        returns (
            uint _takerFee,
            uint _makerFee,
            uint _takerFeeNextPrice,
            uint _makerFeeNextPrice,
            uint _nextPriceConfirmWindow,
            uint _maxLeverage,
            uint _maxMarketValueUSD,
            uint _maxFundingRate,
            uint _skewScaleUSD

    function minKeeperFee() external view returns (uint);

    function liquidationFeeRatio() external view returns (uint);

    function liquidationBufferRatio() external view returns (uint);

    function minInitialMargin() external view returns (uint);

Test Cases

Test cases for an implementation are mandatory for SIPs but can be included with the implementation.

Configurable Values (Via SCCP)

// Per asset parameters
// Global parameters

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